87. In Chambhargonde there lived the well known Shekh Muhammad. He was performing a
kirtan with great delight for his love of God's name. He was an ocean of knowledge.
88. Men of all the eighteen castes^ great and small, sat there to listen. There were also learned and rich persons, very wise and knowing Brabmans.
89. With concentrated mind all listened. The performance was exceptionally delightful and un-
believers could not find a word of contradiction. They became perfectly silent.
90. Just then the performer jumped and rubbed the canopy with his hands. All wondered at
this strangb sight.
91. Then those who sat in front asked* ' Why did you rub the canopy, O Swam ?
92. Seeing this strange action, our mind is confused?' Then Shekh Muhammad explained:
93. 'At Dehu the Vaishnava Toka is performing a kirtan in love. No one noticed that Uie
burning torch had touched the canopy.
94. I saw it on fire, and I extinguished it from here.' On hearing this the listeners felt dubious.
95. No one could believe it and they said, ' The town of Dehu is very far from here. How did you get the news of the distant fire ?
96. There also most be there a crowd of listeners. Gould they not notice it How do you say that you put out the fire in the canopy
97. Then Shekh Muhammad replied, ' There were men Uitening to the kaian of Tuka, but while tlwy listened to th» life deeds of Harl they forgot themselveB.
98. Theii minds were absorbed in the name and form of Qod and all were in a subconscious stat& The torob touched the can(^y and set it on fire, and I at onoe pat it out.'
99. On this the listeners asked, ' In the kirtan there was the Lord of Pandhari. Why did He not
avoid this accident when he saw the canopy burning ?
100. Shekh jMuhammad replied, 'Hrishikeshi ( the Lord of the heart ) forgot Himself through love. He did not think of His divine state and bhaklas forgot their state.
101. Both had beo(Mne one. So who was to protect, and whom ? When two lamps are burning they do not appear to be different.
102. When they live in one place they mingle one with the other. This state of their unconsciousness
I could mentally understand.
103. If there are two islands in a river the stream is divided in two. Afterward when they join, no difference is visible.
104. The idol of ft god and the utensils of worship are made of the same brass. If they are melted in a crucible, no difference is seen.
105. If clarified butter and any other butter are boiled in one pan, no difference is noticed.
106. So when God and His bhakfas become one, who is to know another's pain ? On account of this identity of essence, there is joy eternal, and differences sink.
107. The Husband of Rukmini forgot His divine state and Tuka no longer thought himself to be a bhakta. The same was the condition of the listeners. I understood this state.
108. If you do not believe what I say, then send someone to Dehu to bring the news.' The listeners considered this reply as satisfactory.
109. Then they wrote a letter to the Patil ( village oJBfioer ) of Dehu and sent it by a camel-
rider. In the letter they said,' Please explain at full length the marvel we saw last night.'
110. At sunset the ntif CMoe, ' At nigfai; as th« kirtan was gcAng on irftb fait din, the torch touohed tiw oanopy aad sKt it on fire.
111. It made a v«ry Iarg» hiA* in it, but no one knew of it thi^ night. In the morning It was noticed. Tbia mcuia all wcmder.'
112. As they read this letter, they eoMidcved Shekh Muhammad's explanation as tme. Then going to
him they prostrated tbemseives btfore him.
113. Said they, ' How you oould understand the wonderful miracle at Dehu astonished us all very mud>. It is really a matter for wonder.'
114. At this he said, 'Hotroan I explain this to you ? Fish swim straight up the stream whioh is
impossible for others. US.
115.There wre many watw animals but none can course through water as fish can. In l&e manner the secret of a bhakta is not understood by a(ly> one else but a man of real devotion.
116. Ants alone can pass along the path that they know. So the secret ai a Vtdshnava Ut known only by one endowed with sinceiPe devotion.
117. How can the path of a bird's flight be determined in the sky ? Birds alone fly that way. Others
do not at all understand.
118. The frogs which are accustomed to live in a well, do they know what an ocean it ?
So the secret of a guru and his bhaktaa, the worldly-wise can never comprehend.*
119. Saying these words, Shekh Muhammad was silent.